We’ve had a tremendous response to our on-line plant sale. So many of our members have written special notes of thanks, and we’ve had eager renewals and a few new members. All the plant sale deliveries have taken place even in the midst of what seemed like gale-force winds, and the plants look fabulous. Even the tomato plants are responding well to their reclaimed greenhouse space.
Of particular note is a letter + donation from a past visitor who wrote with effusive praise for the decision to hire Henry Ortmeyer as curator for this “magical place.”
It’s been an astoundingly beautiful spring with some extraordinary blooms – gorgeous purple phlox, I think a self-sown Trillium catesbei, & a phlox I’ve never seen. Even some day-lilies MGH named “Port”.
This week’s video features a walk around the area where Mary Henry’s writing cabin is situated. We also visit with curator Henry Ortmeyer as he conducts a plant survey and census.
Enjoy the film and bests regards,
Susan Treadway