Because of the current pandemic, the Henry Spring Plant sale will have a different format this year.
While our sale will offer the same great, garden-worthy plants we had planned to sell to you in person, you will not be able to browse the collection at the Henry Foundation. The sale catalog will be accessible only from our website, along with an order form.
Review the catalog, make your selections by filling out the order form and then print and mail the order form to Henry Foundation, P.O. Box 7, Gladwyne, PA 19035. Keep a copy for your records.
Please do not send payment with the form. We will contact you by phone or email when the order has been filled with the total due and to schedule your individual “curbside” pickup to comply with current health safety restrictions. Please have a check payable to Henry Foundation ready to drop off at the time of pickup.
We will do our very best to fill your request. We’ve ordered lots of plants! Priority will be given to current Henry Foundation members at the $100 level and above. Current members will be given preference over non-members. Current members will receive a 10% discount on plant material. Renew your membership or join on our website.
We would like to take this opportunity to make sure we have the most up-to-date contact information on our membership. Please fill out the PLANT SALE ORDER FORM completely.